About Darko Medin

Biostatistician and a Data Scientist working with Clinical Research organizations and Academia around the world. Having mastered R programming during career, Darko has specialized in both theoretical and technical aspects of advanced Biostatistics. Specialized for both Meta-analysis and domain specific analyses in areas of Cardiology, Oncology, Endocrine system analysis, Anthropology, Biomarkers and many other specific domains.

Darko is someone who understands for Biological and Statistical aspects in many areas of Biostatistics, partially due to Biology being a segment in his education in addition to being specialized for Biostatistics. In addition to all these aspects, Darko is someone who like to delve into areas of Machine Learning, AI and Data Science and complement his core profession, Biostatistics with novel technologies and programming interpretation.

Last but not least, Darko is an educator in many areas of Biostatistics and Data Science, having created over 50 educational articles, tutorials, code implementations and other educational materials.